Fort Clinch State Park
Effective Feb. 5, 2025: River access points at Fort Clinch State Park may be closed during the month of February for routine dredging and sand placement.
Park open 8 a.m. to sunset, 365 days a year. Ranger station open 10:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Fort open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Visitor center is open 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily.
$6 per vehicle
2601 Atlantic Ave.
Fernandina Beach FL 32034
Contact Info
Welcome to Fort Clinch State Park
History meets nature at Fort Clinch State Park. Whether you’re a history buff, nature lover or a bit of both, enjoy exploring the natural and historic resources of this pristine park.

A row of cannons pointing across the St. Mary’s River into Georgia are silent testimony to the strategic importance of Fort Clinch during the Civil War. Visitors can explore the fort’s many rooms, galleries and grounds, and learn about the life of a Union soldier through unparalleled living history programs.
Make plans to visit on the first weekend of every month when a soldier garrison fires cannons and demonstrates other battlefield skills.
The historic fort is only one aspect of this diverse 1,400-acre park. Maritime hammocks with massive arching live oaks provide a striking backdrop for hiking and biking on the park’s many trails.
The park is known for its gopher tortoises, painted buntings and other species of wildlife. Camping, fishing, shelling and shark-tooth hunting are popular activities.
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Fort Clinch State Park Photo Gallery