Landbridge Trailhead
8 a.m. until sundown, 365 days a year
No fee required
11100 S.W. 16th Ave.
Ocala FL 34476
Contact Info
Welcome to the Landbridge Trailhead
Wildlife cameras on the bridge, monitored by staff, have captured photos of numerous crossings of the bridge by bobcats, coyote, wild turkey and even Florida black bears.
This primary trailhead was developed to provide access to the I-75 Landbridge. The structure, which is 52 feet wide by 200 feet long, follows a natural ridge over 100 feet in elevation to minimize ecological damage. The planters on both sides of the bridge are vegetated with plants native to the surrounding area. The walls were built from local fieldstone.
The trailhead is located approximately 1.4 miles east of the Landbridge off County Road 475A and is accessible from I-75 from the County Road 484 exit.
Facilities include restrooms with potable water and a beautiful shaded picnic area along with equine, hiking and natural surface bike trails.
In addition, Cactus Jack’s Trail Rides offers guided equestrian horseback rides along the greenway’s shaded trails.