The Florida Conservation Corps Wants You!

The Florida Conservation Corps (FLCC) is an AmeriCorps National Service Program that recruits members to work on essential projects in Florida State Parks.
Do you want a great opportunity to learn about biology, land management, volunteer recruitment and park outreach? FLCC is recruiting for the upcoming term of service!
FLCC is divided into three project areas that each address a major issue facing Florida State Parks or a component of the FLCC mission. The three project areas are: Project A.N.T. (AmeriCorps Non-native plant Terminators), Project R.O.A.R. (Regional Outreach and Awareness Recruiters) and Project T.R.E.C. (Trail Restoration and Enhancement Corps).
FLCC provides hands-on service learning opportunities designed to develop leaders in the fields of land management, cultural preservation, resource-based recreation and park facility management.
Approximately 23% of last year’s FLCC class are now employed with DEP’s Florida Park Service. Past FLCC members often cite their service term as the experience that helped them develop the confidence, knowledge and abilities necessary to find satisfying careers as conservation and recreation professionals.
For FLCC Project A.N.T. alumna Kelli Greene, her term of service was a great way to learn new skills and make a difference for Florida’s environment.
“I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into when I signed my Florida Conservation Corps contract in February 2017, but I will forever remember how it has changed my life,” Kelli said. “After a two-year commitment, more than 15 events organized, over 200 volunteers recruited, over 500 volunteer hours recorded, and more than 100 acres of invasive plant species cleared, I can proudly say I am better for it. I can proudly say I am an Americorps member and I get things done.”
Want to learn more about the exciting and unique challenges that FLCC members take on? Check out our stories about the Project A.N.T. fight against invasive plants at Savannas Prairies Preserve State Park or how Project T.R.E.C. members are building trails across the state.
Contact information and open positions
This article was published in the Real Florida ℠ Connection, the Florida State Parks e-newsletter. Sign-up to get updates and stories from your state parks the first week of every month.