Manager's Message

Josh Hodson, Park Manager
History lives at the Orman House in historic Apalachicola. Join Park Services Specialist Hatch Wefing as he takes you back to 1838 for a look at the people and events that helped shape our state.
Also visit the Three Soldiers Detail Statue located directly in front of the Orman House. The statue is a unique bronze sculpture from the mold of the original Three Servicemen Statue located in Washington, D.C.
The Chapman Botanical Gardens, located across from the Orman House, is a great outdoor space to have a picnic, family gathering or other special event.
The landscaped grounds and large front porch of the Orman House and the Chapman Botanical Gardens are available for special occasions and events. Please call the park at 850-653-1209 for more information.
Orman House Historic State Park is always seeking the aid of volunteers in many areas, including special events, house tours, interpretive programs, cataloging of collections, general maintenance, landscaping and lawn maintenance, and photography. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact Hatch Wefing at 850-653-1209.
Please consider joining the Friends of Franklin County State Parks citizen support organization. Their mission is to generate support for state parks through work projects, community relations, exhibits, fundraising activities, special events and educational activities. Yearly membership fee will gain you access into John Gorrie Museum State Park, the Orman House Historic State Park and St. George Island State Park, as well as the chance to get involved and help our parks.
Do not forget that 100 volunteer hours here will get you a free annual pass into Orman House Historic State Park and 500 cumulative volunteer hours will get you a free annual pass good for all of the Florida State Parks.