Staff Spotlight, Bre Ximenes

Bre Ximenes, Park Services Specialist
Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway
Bre Ximenes grew up in Lexington, Kentucky, and moved to Ocala, Florida, about 15 years ago. Bre has a degree in Parks and Recreation Management and worked at Cumberland Falls State Park in Kentucky, so it seemed fitting to find a position working in a Florida State Park.
She started at the Silver Springs attraction and went on to find a job at the Marjorie Harris Carr Cross Florida Greenway. Bre has been working for the Cross Florida Greenway for 13 years. She is the trails and volunteer coordinator, ADA coordinator and interpretive chairperson for the Cross Florida Greenway.
You are likely to see Bre on a mountain bike riding the Santos trails, checking for whatever needs to be fixed or helping people who are lost. Bre really enjoys talking about the extensive history of the Cross Florida Greenway and loves interacting with the visitors.
The Fat Tire Festival is her all-time favorite event on the property, a bike festival at the Santos Trailhead. At the annual festival you can camp, bike, listen to great music and enjoy all the festivities offered.
Bre enjoys helping volunteers with other events, such as the Santos Fall Epic, Take a Kid Mountain Bike Day, National Public Lands Day, National Trails Day and monthly trail workdays to help clear the 320 miles of hike/bike/equestrian and multiuse trails.
When asked where she would see herself in three to five years, Bre responded ”I will still be here, and I hope to remain here until retirement. If you can stay in one place and share the knowledge and love that you have obtained over the years … It makes the experience richer, for everyone.”