Volunteer Spotlight, Norm and Mary Beard

Norm and Mary Beard
Little Manatee River State Park
Norm and Mary Beard came to Florida from Buffalo, New York. They've always had a love for the outdoors, with kayaking, hiking and camping being some of their favorite activities. They initially fell in love with Florida after a road trip to Key West and decided to come back every year. They began volunteering in Florida after Hurricane Katrina and are currently campground hosts at Little Manatee River State Park.
On any given day, you can find these two generally keeping an eye on things in the park, making sure that everything is running smoothly. This includes maintaining the restrooms, cleaning the campground and pavilions and making repairs around the campground. Their favorite part of their position is interacting with visitors by answering their questions and lending a helping a hand in tough situations. They love to keep busy - which is great because there is always something to do at the park.
Norma and Mary love being outdoors and have a hobby of spotting new flowers. Spring is of course their favorite time of year because all the wildflowers are in bloom, and all the bees and butterflies are busy flying about. "We love this park" they say, enjoying the quiet and viewing the wildlife. They say they've found a second family here at the park among the staff and other volunteers, and plan to continue to volunteer for as long as they can.