Bob Wagner
Bog Wagner is a native Floridian who has been involved with the Florida Park Service for a very long time. Bob used to be a resident Ranger at Myakka River State Park many years ago. After he left the park service he decided to become a volunteer at General James A. Van Fleet State Trail because cycling is one of his passions.
One day when he was cycling on the trail he met one of the rangers who then asked him to become a volunteer and Bob has been a volunteer ever since.
Bob is an asset that the trail just could not do without, he comes in every week like a scheduled employee. Bob makes sure that the trail is clean, clear, and safe for cyclists. He also checks the restrooms, picks up trash, and removes tree limbs and branches from the trail. He also takes on the daunting task of blowing off the trail with the pull behind blower.
The Florida Park Service would not be as great as it is, without the help from people like Bob, we are continually amazed by the dedication of volunteers and would like to thank them for all their endless effort and hard work.
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