Sarah Touchton, Volunteer Spotlight

Florida Conservation Corps Member Sarah Touchton

Volunteer Spotlight, Sarah Touchton

Alafia River State Park

Sarah is a Tampa, Florida, native with a Bachelor of Science in integrative animal biology from the University of South Florida.

As a member of the AmeriCorps Florida Conservation Corps, she has had the opportunity to preserve, protect and restore those places that fill an important niche for all species by removing invasive exotic plant species that can take over entire habitats and displace native plants and wildlife. Through the Florida Conservation Corps program, Sarah has been able to enjoy the opportunity to expand her work ethic while exploring career choices.

Sarah’s passion for wildlife and conservation have taken her to innovative paths at Alafia River State Park. As she continues to evolve her career, she undoubtedly would like to make it her life’s goal to help end illegal animal trading.

Looking to the future, she would like to pursue a master’s degree in wildlife forensics. In her spare time Sarah likes to cook and try many different food recipes. She would even call herself a bit of a food connoisseur.