The Friends of Kissimmee Prairie Preserve Inc. was formed in 2011 to to work for the preservation, protection, interpretation and promotion of Kissimmee Prairie Preserve. The friends organization is a Florida nonprofit 501(c)(3) corporation and relies on membership fees and private donations to pursue activities on behalf of the preserve.
Kissimmee Prairie Preserve State Park protects the largest remaining tract of the unique Florida dry prairie ecosystem, one of the biologically richest grasslands in the world. Its 54,000 acres contain a mosaic of dry prairie, wet prairie, marshes, sloughs, cabbage palm and oak hammocks, flood plain — no less than 14 distinct natural communities — which support a vast and diverse array of flora and fauna, including a number of endangered or threatened species. It is one of the last places to find the Florida grasshopper sparrow. This is the land made famous by author Patrick Smith in "A Land Remembered."