Zach Lozano, Park Manager
Koreshan State Park will always hold a special place in my heart because it is where I was married. I couldn’t think of a more beautiful place than under our champion live oak tree next to the white Victorian bridge. What a perfect place to make memories that last a lifetime.
You too can have a wedding or simply enjoy a leisurely walk through the historic Koreshan Unity Settlement. The historic settlement features 11 nationally registered buildings that provide a unique backdrop for family photos. My favorite building is the art hall, where the Koreshans held concerts over 100 years ago.
This time of year, Koreshan State Park offers great opportunities for overnight camping. We have 45 RV sites plus 11 tent sites. Our campground fills up quickly, and all reservations are made online.
All of this wouldn’t be possible without the dedicated work of my staff and volunteers. They truly make everything come together so our visitors have the best experience possible. Come out for a visit and see for yourself.