Hike the Blue Trail

The vast marshy coastline you see from the Blue Trail protects 49 hammock islands that were used in the 1860s by Confederate deserters during the Civil War. During the Great Depression, the Econfina River was discovered to be a great source of mullet, and some the of these islands were used during this time as places to process, salt and pack mullet in barrels.
In the early 1930s some of the islands became sites of private fish camps because of their great access to the river and proximity to the Gulf of Mexico.

The expansive vistas of untouched coastline, marshes and islands here are truly amazing. As you stand on the Blue Trail and look out across the marshes and islands, you can imagine what it would have been like to be one of the first explorers to set foot on this wild coastline.
This area is contiguous with the vast salt marsh community stretching from Wakulla County to Pasco County, representing one of the most extensive, intact salt marsh communities in the United States.