Beaches at Grayton Beach

People travel from all over the country to enjoy the beach at Grayton Beach State Park, which is perfect for laying out in the sun and enjoying the sunshine. Not only do people come to the park to enjoy our world-class shoreline, but many animal and plant species rely on the park for nesting. Snowy plovers and least terns, both shorebirds, will make their nests directly on the sand, and loggerhead and green sea turtles will dig their nests along the beach as well.
Just behind the beach, large sand dunes also support a wide variety of life in the park. A variety of plants, such as bluestem and sea oats, thrive on the dunes, using their roots to hold the sand in place and keep the dunes stable.
Among the plants, the endangered Choctawhatchee beach mouse makes its home in burrows that it digs out of the sand. The mice eat the seeds of many of the dune plants, and in doing so spread them across the dunes, helping them grow and slow the process of erosion.

It’s important to keep this in mind while using the beaches at the park. You should never walk on the sand dunes, as this causes them to break down and wash away faster. Always watch out for nests on the ground during shorebird nesting season, and avoid all posted bird and sea turtle nesting areas. Be careful to take any trash home with you, and pick up after others as well!
Together we can help protect the many animals and plants that call the beach home.