Volunteer Spotlight, Os Patton

a man in a volunteer uniform stands in front of trees

Os Patton

Nature Coast State Trial

Os Patton hails from the north - the state of Pennsylvania to be exact. Working as a surveyor for sewage disposal systems and doing soil testing, he has been coming down to Florida for years to camp in the winter when the Pennsylvania weather is uncooperative for his work. He and his wife chose the Levy, Gilchrist and Dixie county area because of the pleasant climate and rural atmosphere. After discovering the clean and well-maintained Nature Coast State Trial, they decided to make this area their permanent winter home.

Os has always liked being outdoors, as far back as he can remember. He specifically remembers his mother having to put up a school bell by the back door, just so she could ring it to tell him to come inside. Fast forward many years - one day while enjoying a bike ride on the trail, Ranger Billy Thomas met Os and told him that the Florida Greenways and Trails had a volunteer program and gave him an application. Billy explained what was required of a volunteer, how to fill out the application and even gave him an address to mail it from Pennsylvania. Os went home but did eventually fill one out and the rest is history.

Os enjoys many things about getting to work outside - the feeling of the sun on his face, fresh air, nice-smelling plants and getting exercise. He loves the Nature Coast State Trail in particular for its varied scenery, from shady woods to sunny open areas, along with shops and restaurants. His favorite time of the year is spring and fall in his home state of Pennsylvania, and winters in Florida. The average daytime temperatures between 55 and 75 degrees are comfortable for most of the outdoor activities he enjoys, including riding his bike with friends and helping the rangers in keeping the trail safe, clean and scenic for all to enjoy.

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