Staff Spotlight, Patrick Sullivan

Park Services Specialist, Patrick Sullivan
Allen David Broussard Catfish Creek Preserve State Park
Growing up in South Florida camping and fishing in Florida state parks instilled a sense of wonder in Patrick at a young age. Some of his best memories of childhood were created in our state parks. He knew working as a park ranger would be his dream job!
In 2009, his dream came true. He became a park ranger at Oleta River State Park. Beginning his park service journey was exciting and he learned something new every day.
In 2013, he attended prescribed fire training and the awe and sense of wonder from his childhood was awakened again. Patrick knew after that training he wanted to focus his park service career on prescribed fire operations and resource management of Florida’s ecosystems.
In 2015, Patrick transferred to Lake Kissimmee State Park, where he broadened his interpretive skills and resource management skills. Patrick was able to attend numerous fire trainings and gained valuable skills by burning different ecosystems and at other parks. During the winter months, Patrick had the opportunity to educate our visitors by portraying a cow hunter in an 1876 Cow Camp.
Since the beginning of 2019, Patrick has accomplished his goal of becoming a prescribed burn manager. With that accomplishment, he was able to promote to Allen David Broussard Catfish Creek Preserve State Park as the resource management park services specialist. Now you can find Patrick out on the preserve living his dream by maintaining trails and firebreaks, conducting scrub-jay surveys, removing exotic species and planning the next prescribed fire. If you see him, make sure to stop and say hello!