Kate Spratt

Portrait of Kate Spratt.

Kate is the park services specialist at Ellie Schiller Homosassa Springs Wildlife State Park. In her free time, she enjoys running on the Withlacoochee State Trail.

What is your favorite part of this trail?

The trail has multiple points of entry that make it convenient to change your scenery with each run. Every run is different. Sometimes I see gopher tortoises, deer or other wildlife, and other times I simply enjoy the solitude of the woods around me. My favorite part is the different natural communities the trail passes through and how those recreating on the trail can see the transition of those natural landscapes from end to end.

What does a visitor need to know before they can explore this trail?

Always hydrate well before, during and after trail use. Much of the trail is shaded but it doesn't take long to get thirsty! Also, be courteous to others using the trail. Using passing vocabulary to others and staying on the right of the trail ensures that everyone can safely use the same space regardless of their mode of recreation.

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