Historic Garden

flowers, foliage, plants, camillias, azaeleas, dogwoods

The 28-acre garden was designed by Mr. Alfred B. Maclay beginning in 1923.

Maclay Gardens

In designing the gardens, Mr. Maclay wanted to demonstrate that native and exotic plants could be used together to create a setting of scenic beauty. The gardens were designed to be in bloom during the winter and early spring, the time of year the family would be in residence.

The park has over 150 different camellia cultivars. We also have over 60 varieties of azaleas, which along with dogwoods, create quite a show, usually in mid-March.

Maclay Gardens

Mr. Maclay worked on the gardens until his death in 1944. In 1953, Mrs. Maclay donated the gardens to the state of Florida to be a state park.

We maintain the gardens, as much as possible, just as it was before 1953. Mrs. Maclay continued to be actively involved in the day-to-day operations of the gardens until her death in 1973. Under her direction, the name of the gardens was changed in 1965 to honor the man who made them.