Birding at Bald Point

Bald Point State Park’s hiking trails are great for viewing wintering sparrows and resident brown-headed nuthatches.

A trail leading to the marsh overlook will take you to where clapper rails and marsh wrens can be seen.
In winter, shorebirds such as piping plovers frequent the park’s beaches and estuary, and when horseshoe crabs are spawning in the spring, red knots and marbled godwits converge to dine on the crab eggs.
Autumn is a good time to see bald eagles and other migrating raptors. Several species of wood warbler have been documented in the park, especially along the road and parking area. Scissor-tailed flycatchers and groove-billed ani are migratory visitors, and in recent years the rare tropical kingbird has checked in.
In addition, when water levels are right, wood ducks can be seen around freshwater marshes, swamps and ponds.