Manager's Message

A photo of Heather Gotson at Devil's Millhopper State Park

Heather Goston, Park Manager

For those looking for a true adventure, look no further than San Felasco Hammock Preserve State Park. Over 60 miles of trails accommodate trail users of all skill levels. Cyclists and equestrians will find access to the preserve through the North trailhead, located in Alachua.

Those looking to explore the preserve on foot will gain access to 13 miles of trail, located in the Southwest corner of the preserve, in Gainesville off of Millhopper Road. Both locations provide a wooded refuge to local residents as well as a unique destination for travelers far and wide. Before you arrive, I recommend downloading the trail maps, which are conveniently geo-referenced and can help any explorer stay on the trails.

The preserve includes over 7,000 acres and features more than 20 natural communities with some of the best mature upland hardwood forest stands in the state. The preserve also features significant elevation changes throughout, with beautiful sinkholes, limestone outcrops covered in ferns, and stream-cut ravines. The beauty one finds at San Felasco is never the same twice but certainly guaranteed in every visit. Be sure to bring your cellphone, water and insect repellent for a well-prepared and enjoyable visit.